“PRIME of Life” is a unique project being run in Wrexham and Flintshire to help people over 50 back into economic activity. Funded until March 2015 by the BIG Lottery and the European Social Fund, PRIME Cymru is offering one to one support to identify and overcome barriers to enable older people to find employment or start their own businesses.
Clients are also offered one to one mentoring. PRIME Cymru’s delivery partner Business in the Community (BiTC), through their member organisations, are offering job taster sessions and work placements to unemployed older workers in the two counties.
In Wales there are approximately 250,000 people between the age of fifty and state pension age who are economically inactive, and over 20,000 of those live in Wrexham and Flintshire. “PRIME of Life” Clients are given advice on interview technique, updating their C.V as well as work experience and support when apply for jobs.
At the launch in Wrexham , Lesley Griffiths AM the Welsh Health Minister stated ‘Repeated studies tell us of the benefits of work in terms of individual happiness, confidence and health’ and added that ‘I believe that there is something wrong with a society which often writes off its members beyond a certain age. It is early days for this scheme, but it is already actively assisting fifteen people across two counties and has already helped clients into work.’
Speaking at the PRIME of Life Launch event, Lesley Griffiths said:
“I welcome the work the “PRIME of Life” is doing across Wrexham and Flintshire.
“Contrary to the perceptions of many, most people in the over 50s age group want to continue working and contributing to the economy. Not only that but they are willing to learn, with almost half having undertaken some form of training in the last three years.”
“People are living longer, and working longer. However, problems with the perception of the employability of this age group persist.
Groups like PRIME Cymru therefore provide a highly valuable service, giving people the tools they need to get themselves back into the workplace, at the same time as changing perceptions of the over 50 age group.”
The event was also attended by Ian Lucas, The Member of Parliament for Wrexham.