PRIME Cymru has launched a new project across west Wales and the Valleys.
People Plus West will focus on helping people in these areas to secure employment, set up a business or find volunteering and training positions.
Following a tough year for workers, many people across Wales are now looking for employment or thinking about setting up their own business. PRIME Cymru’s Development Officers specialise in providing expert support for those who need it.
During their one-to-one meetings with clients, they work on:
The project also offers free training for courses such as First Aid, Food Hygiene, Health & Safety and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. Also available is the ‘New Way of Working’ qualification, which helps clients with video calling apps such as Skype, Zoom and Teams and prepares people for online interviews and working from home.
People Plus West is supported by the Active Inclusion Fund, managed by Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) with funding from the European Structural and Investment Fund. It aims to improve the lives of people and communities in Wales by raising skills and helping people become economically active.
For more information, you can contact PRIME Cymru on 01550721813 or email