PRIME Cymru have teamed up with Brighter Futures – a charitable community organisation in Rhyl – to help mature individuals in North Wales to increase their sense of self-worth, confidence and happiness.
Brighter Futures hosts Men and Women’s Sheds –community groups that combat isolation. These facilities have been vital this year, as more people than ever face loneliness and anxiety due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
PRIME Cymru worked closely with Brighter Futures to develop a strategy that would benefit all those involved. Our Development Officer for Conwy and Denbighshire, Caroline Allen, and Jayne and Katie from Brighter Futures, met with members in small, socially-distanced groups or via online tutorials. They helped participants to complete their Health & Safety, Food Hygiene and First Aid qualifications.
For many of those involved, this was the first taste of training since they left school, which left them feeling excited to start something new.
One participant, Bob (not his real name), is a member of the Men’s Shed. He signed up to increase his skills to help support vulnerable people at his local food bank. After thoroughly enjoying completing his Food Hygiene certificate, Bob then went on to start his Health & Safety course.
Whilst helping Bob to personally tackle the feeling of isolation from living alone, there will also be a greater impact on his wider community through his volunteer work.
Shane Owen from Brighter Futures said: “It’s been really productive for all the members and they are looking forward to doing more training to enhance their skills in the New Year.”
Caroline said: “It just shows how working in partnership can help people achieve their goals especially in these difficult times. I have been very honoured and proud to work with all who have been involved with this.
“Congratulations to everyone and I look forward to working with even more people in the New Year.”
All those involved were able to meet (socially-distanced), to be awarded their certificates that they worked hard to achieve.