Pascal Vandeputte: “The key thing for me in life was to get back to work” 
November 27, 2024
PRIME Cymru shows its green credentials 
January 28, 2025

PRIME Cymru support ‘really lovely and worthwhile’

Michelle Schutte

Michelle Schutte had a long career in the Civil Service, spanning 20+ years. A few months ago she decided to move into contracting work to achieve a better work-life balance.

Unfortunately, this came at a time when the Autumn Budget 2024 hit the contracting market and Michelle was at a crossroads in her career.

Her next move was to re-consider regular employment, but it had been many years since she’d been through the recruitment process.

Needing some support, Michelle connected with PRIME Cymru’s Jeff Jones at a Careers Fair in Bridgend.

Jeff helped Michelle to explore her options and update her CV, making her feel more prepared for the application process.

Michelle said: “What really struck me was that I could talk to somebody who had experienced the same things as me.

“I was starting to lose my confidence so it was really good to have some help with the next steps. Jeff was reassuring and encouraging, but also realistic.

“It was a really lovely and worthwhile experience.”

Michelle has now successfully secured a Project Management role.

Jeff said: “I’m so pleased Michelle has secured a job after a period of uncertainty.

“We worked on building her confidence initially and then identifying areas where her knowledge and experience could be utilised and I hope she can now see that she has many skills to offer.”

Michelle Schutte

If you would like free support to secure work, please get in touch with PRIME Cymru on 01550 721813 or email 


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