More help has been made available for people who are unemployed or economically inactive in Powys, Wrexham and Flintshire.
PRIME Cymru offers mature individuals bespoke, one-to-one support to find a job, set up in business or discover training and volunteering opportunities. PRIME People East will support those aged 25 and over to move closer to the world of work.
A dedicated team of Development Officers and volunteer mentors will focus on building clients’ confidence, improving IT skills, creating a great CV, refining interview techniques, and supporting them into work experience or further training. The project can also provide free work-related certificates, including First Aid, Health & Safety, Food Hygiene and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
For anyone looking to become self-employed, PRIME Cymru has a wealth of experience facilitating business start-ups with expert support and guidance.
Janet Allen-Darby, Development Officer for South Powys, said: “I’ve been supporting people in Powys for the last 5 years and am really pleased to have the opportunity to continue helping people to move forwards. If you are interested in one-to-one support to help you gain employment, start volunteering, get into self-employment or undertake training to enhance your career prospects, please get in touch.”
Janet Davies, Development Officer for North Powys, said: “I am looking forward to getting started on this new project and helping local people in Powys to achieve their goals of looking for work, voluntary work and training, during this challenging time”.
Roger Beer, Development Officer for Wrexham and Flintshire, said: “I’m really happy to be a part of this exciting new programme. With over twenty years’ experience of supporting people, I’m here to help you find employment, training, volunteer roles and explore self-employment. Please get in touch to find out more.”
The PRIME People East project is supported by the Active Inclusion Fund, managed by Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) with funding from the European Social Fund. It aims to improve the lives of people and communities in Wales by raising skills and helping people become economically active.
For more information, you can contact PRIME Cymru on 01550721813 or email